When choosing which combinations of plants to pot together, first ensure that you are selecting plants with similar lighting and water requirements. These plants will be cohabitating for quite some time, sharing soil and location. Choose plants that will give you a variety of contrasting colors, shapes and textures for successful styling. Pack them in closely without overcrowding, leave some room for them to grow out. Always give your plants a good watering immediately after repotting to aid the roots in development and prevent shock.
Edible flower arrangements
Choose 3 different shapes. At least one tall, at least one cascading (drapes over the side of the pot), and at least one “filler” or ground cover style that will fill out and cover the rest of the soil.
Choose complementary colors. The color of your pot can have a big impact on the overall look of your arrangement. You can use it to bring out certain key colors in your flowers, or to contrast them and make them pop.
Recommended pots: Nova 12, Sonoma Bowl

Edible flowers that grow well together
Nasturtium- Packed with Vitamin C, has a subtle peppery taste.
Pansies- Antioxidant, analgesic and diuretic properties. Pansies taste a bit like a slightly spicy lettuce.
Calendula- Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. Slightly bitter with some similarities to Saffron. Calendula can also be infused into oils and salves as an excellent skin care.
Marigold- Similar to calendula being slightly bitter and spicy, but with notes of mint and tarragon. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, aids in production of Vitamin A.
Dianthus- Spicy, sweet, floral and clove-like. Has been used to help treat fevers, alleviate stomach upset and reduce congestion.
Violet- Sweet and floral flavor. High in vitamin C, can lower blood pressure and relieve inflammation.

Potted herb gardens
Many herbs can grow well together, just be careful of herbs that can quickly spread and take over such as mint.
If you choose perennial herbs, they will be able to be removed and planted in the ground or a bigger container if you would like them to grow larger once they fill out the pot.
Choose a pot with 10” or more depth, as some herbs grow a long taproot.
Choose herbs that you like to cook with or make teas with regularly to gain the most benefit from your potted herb mixture.
Place them in a well-lit spot near a bright window.
Recommended pots: Nova 12, Sonoma Bowl

Succulent arrangements
Allow some room for the succulents to grow out.
Use a loose, well-draining soil mixture, and cover with pebbles for an extra aesthetic, and to help keep the loose soil from scattering.
Use at least 3 different textures and shapes for best aesthetics.
Water immediately after potting, then allow them to dry out completely before watering again. Don’t overwater succulents as they store water in their leaves, but also don’t allow them to remain totally dry for too long between waterings.
Newly planted succulents like lots of indirect light. Direct sunlight can be too harsh until they are matured. Keep them near a window that provides diffused light for several hours a day.
Recommended pot: Quadra 6, Quadra Window Box, Quadra Wall Planter